Timberland Sales, LLC

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About Us: Timberland Sales, LLC


Timberland Sales is a real estate advertising site for several forestry consulting and real estate firms in Mississippi. Currently, members have real estate marketing offices in Raymond, Brandon, Starkville, and Monticello, Mississippi. Collectively, we offer 85 years of forestry consulting and real estate experience. Our purpose is to assist landowners in the sale or purchase of rural timberland and recreational properties. Our statewide coverage, education, experience, and professional contacts give us the ability to effectively market and sell rural properties in Mississippi.

The three membership firms are individually owned and operated, and actively manage thousands of acres of timberland and recreational property throughout Mississippi. Our client base consists of various individual landowners, investors, financial institutions, appraisers, and large timberland investment organizations. Through our network of professional contacts across the southeastern United States, we are able to maintain high success rates in selling listed properties.

Timberland Sales members offer a combination of forest management experience, education, credibility, and the ability to market rural properties. This is what sets us apart from the pack. Our state has many good foresters and real estate professionals, but we provide a unique combination of the two professions which is to our client’s advantage.

Professional Credentials:

It is common practice in our society for numerous types of professionals to follow their title with some initials or an acronym, which give some indication of their credentials in certain subject areas. Often these acronyms are familiar, such as MD or CPA, but sometimes they are not so easily discerned. Therefore, we want to take this opportunity to explain the credentials and qualities which are represented in the titles we carry “RF”, “ACF”, and “Broker”. Why should these titles be important to every forest landowner or potential real estate client?

The current law in Mississippi requires a person to complete four years of forestry curriculum at an accredited university and successfully complete the Mississippi Registered Foresters Examination to legally become a Registered Forester (RF). The RF signifies that we have taken the necessary steps to be considered professional foresters, and we are authorized by law to practice as registered foresters. This designation also binds us to a certain code of ethics which sets standards for the profession.

Even though the Mississippi law is essential to the forestry profession, and registration is something every landowner should require of any forestry advisor, we adhere to a higher standard through our membership in the Association of Consulting Foresters of America (ACF). This truly defines who we are as consulting foresters. These standards signify that we are committed to using our forestry expertise to the ultimate benefit of our clients, to whom we extend the highest level of honesty, integrity and loyalty. This set of standards truly distinguishes ACF members as consulting foresters and separates us definitively from other forestry professionals. Basically, any registered forester can become a consulting forester, but not all consulting foresters can become ACF members.